11 07, 2020



O limba straina vorbita fluent a devenit de mult timp un „must have” in randul candidatilor recrutati de companii. Daca in trecut un nivel bun de limba engleza era un plus pe un CV, acum, lipsa acestuia te scoate automat din competitie. Sunt convinsa ca multi dintre voi cunoasteti [...]

IN CAT TIMP POT INVATA ENGLEZA?2024-01-15T09:51:25+00:00
13 10, 2017

Cum alegeti cursul de limba engleza potrivit pentru dumneavoastra?


Stim cu totii ca o limba straina vorbita fluent a devenit deja de mult timp un „must have” in randul candidatilor recrutati de companii. Daca in trecut un nivel bun de limba engleza era un plus pe un CV, acum, lipsa acestuia te scoate automat din competitie. Asadar, cum alegeti [...]

Cum alegeti cursul de limba engleza potrivit pentru dumneavoastra?2017-11-17T21:37:55+00:00
19 04, 2017

The IATEFL conference = an IMMEASURABLE IMPACT on my career!


The IATEFL Conference in Glasgow was my first IATEFL conference and for sure it won't be my last! It exceeded all my expectations: insanely well organised, from the information and materials I received in advance, to registration, exhibition and sessions themselves. Everything was perfect: venue, accommodation, facilities, speakers, and not [...]

The IATEFL conference = an IMMEASURABLE IMPACT on my career!2018-02-23T21:03:32+00:00
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