I love using board games in my teaching, no matter if they are high-quality printed or hand-made ones. The benefits are enormous:
• they are great for learning new words;
• I can test my students’ vocabulary and spelling;
• they are dynamic and engaging for any age;
• they stimulate students’ imagination;
• can be both competitive and cooperative.
DIXIT is a surprising, great gateway game that makes you understand how everybody sees the world in a different way. At the same time, it can be a highly effective and pleasant method for students to practise communication skills and for me to teach specific language forms.
I discovered the game during my last holiday in Belgium, where I played it with my friends, and immediately realized that I could successfully and variously use it my lessons. So far, I have used it for:
• revision of verb tenses;
• revision of modal verbs;
• creating cards-based stories;
• teaching and practising Wh- questions.
My students, adults and children alike, loved it!